Cancellation Policy

We regret to inform our valued customers that once the Privilege Health Card is issued, no cancellations are available. The one-time fee paid for the card is non-refundable. This policy is in place to ensure a streamlined and efficient process for the issuance and management of Privilege Health Cards.

The decision to implement a no-cancellation policy is made to maintain the integrity of our commitment to providing lifetime benefits and discounts to our cardholders. Once the card is issued, it is valid for a lifetime, offering ongoing access to healthcare discounts and services.

We encourage our customers to carefully consider their decision to acquire the Privilege Health Card, taking into account the valuable benefits and savings it offers over the long term. If there are any concerns or questions prior to obtaining the card, our Customer Service team is available to provide assistance and address inquiries.

Thank you for your understanding and for choosing Privilege Health Card for your healthcare needs.